Playing on the word "nomenclature", the name Nomenculture sums up our mission rather perfectly: To comment on the specialized profession of brand-naming and observe the way in which brand-names broadly affect culture. This blog is published by The Naming Group, a New York City-based brand-naming agency.

Coined Name of the Week

Bravo, Origins! We think Plantidote is a pretty perfect product name:

1 comment:

Spiral Geronimo said...

If Apple ever needs a "Brandtidote" or just a new name their are plenty in the wIngs: iDo (iPhone app for getting married while waiting on line at Starbucks),iAm (app to distinguish your self as an existentialist and not dogfood), iBark (app that configures your iPhone to respond to your dog's bark, call and inform you of fyI's, you know, "iThings that iWon't let on about to anyone else just because iLoveU but iT's iNtel man '4yrI's Only' about iLuminations just on the verge of iMpossibe (or eRpossible) but that will change the world as seen looking up at god (mirror of mIself) iPronto Kimasabe, therefore iLick like rightaway like the 5:32 a.m iOn Bullet Train from Osaka dude cause iGotta take a leak too...),iI,(app for the Navy and Moby Dick fans), iDea (app for federal narcotic agents that prechecks for white sox,bad hair,cologne,excess bling,AND that encrypts iPhone messages so Drug Lords become biblical prophets; mules, Olympic sprint medalists; street dealers pizza delivery guys; and customers famous co-dependent tyrants who became CDT's because they were on the wrong side of iStory),iMpolite (app for making boorish misanthropes seem like Caary Grant),i4anI (iPhone app that disguises your voice as Tony, Paulie, Christopher or an ophthalmologist,click on preferences), iOu (Widget for keeping track of your grudges)... iMeYouUsTheyWeHeShe... codename shIt... the app for everyone.

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